Nakakatawa...minsan bigla nalang babalik satin yung mga masakit na bagay na napag daan na kahit pala gano na katagal yun, pag naalala mo ...masakit pa din pala. Me takot pa din. Kanina, while browsing all those people who viewed my profile...there is this one name who has the same name as this girl that i jealoused so well. I can't really say that i'am over it coz when i saw the name...everything came back as it was just yesterday. I View her profile and realized that it is not her. The age is too young, the location where this girl came from  did matched, she still i am really convinced that its not the girl i thought. Curriousity came to me and forced me to type her name and search if she has a friendster account. Knowing that i don't really know her full name or e-mail add and the worst i don't know how she really looks like??? Funny right? But thats how crazy i am. I got jealous with the girl where i don't even know if she looks prettier and sexier than me( hahahaha !!! kapal!!! ) But the point is...SHE made MY man cheat on me. Fuck her right? And everything that happened to me now...everything that i do...all my insecurities...pain......"it's ALL because of HER". Very un-lucky for me or it's just i got pissed off...'am already in pages 55 when i stop searching and got nothing. Damn you will you know??? I paused for a while and realized i am talking to myself!!!!=)) I maybe need some professional help here =)) But anyways, i heard whats my mind is telling me...that, Hey! it's been a years have to move on, forgive and forget! Besides, he is still yours! Telling you he loves you and he will never do it again. Trying all the positive ways to prove you that he loves you...needs you more than that bitch.! But my heart answered it...with all the pain i felt inside me...seems like my heart is contracting very hard that i cant able to breath says that " I already forgive him for what he has done to me! I still love him and wanna live with him for the rest of my life. But what is really hard to do inwhere i thought i already did is to forget the fact that inspite of all the things that i gave up just for him...all the things i have done. Given ... and can give, he can still do such crazyness to me! All because of that Fuckin' girl. Yeah!!! she really played a big influence in me...But sad to say...It is a Bad influence not good. Anyways, It is really nice that we can write and express our feelings here. It helps me release the tension, ease some pain and relax my mind from thinking of too many things. Thank you!!!

Original Date POsted : April 25, 2006