Its been 9 days now since 2007 started and from the first day until now i been thinking for what resolution i am going to make for this year. I did'nt say i am good and nice enough not to have any to change but it's just i am happy now. I have my family with me. My dearest loving Charles...My Mom & my dad...brothers who have always been so sweet and supportive. Friends who's always there for me. A not so bad financial status. A house, although it's not mine but i am happy to live with and stay with. Health that never been a problem for almost 6 years now. A life that never been complete and happier. And now, it is much greatfull because we are now starting a new part in our lives...A business that i have been dreamin' ever since. I just wish that someday that business will become successfull. I will really try hard and everything that i can to make it work and to make it successfull. I wanna prove to my parents and Efren and friends that i can do it. I am not in a rush so it is not really matter to me if i don't get earn much for now for i know that i really have to wait and work for it and pray to god to help me improve it and make it work. And i know i can do it. What i wanna ask to god is to continue from guidance & helping us in our everyday lives. Take us away from all the un-healthy things. From all the sick and test. But what i really wanna do now is to thank every single person who have been a part of me...who have contributed ideas, knowledge and experience in life that has been my inspiration to be much stronger and be thankfull. Thank you.

Original Date Posted : January 09, 2007